Monday, August 10, 2009


I know that perfection is impossible to reach but yesterday I came as close as I possibly could. I made the perfect apple pie. The crust was light and flakey, the filling was still slightly crisp, but perfectly sweet and spicy. The top crust was a light, golden brown and there was no spillage of the filling. I am so thrilled!

You may ask why this is such a big deal to me. Simple. I can make wonderful cakes and cookies but pies have always illuded me. The filling isn't right or the crust is too hard or cardboard like. I finally hit on the perfect pie crust recipe and method for making the crust. Oh, I am so happy! :)

Saturday, August 1, 2009


We have been so blessed lately. THings are going well for us. We have the one thing that we have always wanted, *enough*. Enoungh food to fill our bellies, enough money to pay our bills and have some left over for other things, enough towels to dry us, enough toys to play with and enough love to go around.
We are blessed and I am glad.