Sunday, May 3, 2009

Don't Panic

Last Friday I was informed by my employer of 12 years that my beloved candy store is now up for sale. He took great joy in watching me flinch. When I asked him when he decided to sell the store he calmly informed me, with a smile on his face, that is was while I was on a small vacation. All the relaxation that I had obtained over that mini-vacation dissapeared in a heartbeat.

What will I do for a job?
How will I take care of my family?
Was I not greatful enough for my life?
Is God punishing me?
Did I not believe enough?
Hadn't I been a good enough employee?

All of these questions flashed through my head and heart in a moment. I spent a couple of days depressed over my situation. Then I realized that whatever happens will happen and being depressed will do nothing to help.

As a wise woman said to me, "It will be what it will be."
I must learn to take these things as they come and face the challenge that is placed before me.
How do you handle situations that stress you out?

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